
Monday, November 8, 2010

Last class, we did a lab as you may or may not have deduced from our previous post, which by the way, was the first lab blog not to include the words "super" and "fun" with the latter following the former. This was mainly due to the fact that we have banned Cole from making lab blogs.

ANYWAYS. We had a lab last class... BUT there was no lab report! WHAT A TWIST! Going all M. Knight Shyamalamadingdong on this blog, yo. INSTEAD, we had a lab quiz. BUT HOW?! How does one combine these two seemingly incompatible elements? By ingeniously transferring electrons from the metal element lab or La2+ to the gaseous element Quiz or Qu3-, the ionic compound Lab Quiz or La3Qu2! Actually, it was just a lab report disguised as a quiz, so I may have over hyped that a little.

The quiz consisted of hypothetical measurements and calculations with said measurements. Also, accuracy and precision was also discussed and a few hypothetical follow up questions that applied your knowledge of density and volume calculations. All of them must have incorporated scientific notation and significant digits, which was pretty much the underlying theme of the whole lab. It was more to test your sig-fig knowhow than to test your ability to make density calculations and weigh aluminum foil.

Apres le quiz, were taken to ze laBORaTORy of ze computers. There we made graphs from given data on a spreadsheet. The data was of the volume and mass of hot and cold water. Which this we found the density of both and the hot water was found to have slightly lower density than cold water. I concluded that this was because of the higher level of kinetic energy within the hot water, resulting in faster movement on more space between particles.

cool density experiment you can try AT HOME, except you probably don't have all this stuff

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