
Sunday, November 14, 2010

The TryHard Class

    Today we did quite a lot!  We worked VERY VERY VERY hard, we were given a review sheet on sci notation, sig figs and measuremants and uncertainty. Totally rad.  The purpose was to help us get ready for the test.  Btw  Joe had the worst accuracy and jennifer has the worst precision TROLOLOL.  Anyway we worked very hard on the review sheet VERY HARD LIKE GOOD STUDENTS and got most of the work done.  Occasionally we got a wtf r u doin and l2work look but otherwise it was all groovy.

 Cool story bro, nice review

After spending 4/6 of the class working on the review sheet, we started working on some real work.  Plotting graphs on excel.  We had to plot 3 graphs each on a different experiment.  One included volume of gas while other used density, etc.  We spent the whole time working very hard and plotting the graphs and answering questions on a hand out she gave us.  Turns out the worksheet was not even collected.  QQ i actually finished it.

This is basicly what we did but we chose scatter graph instead of column.

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