
Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Atomic Theory

Yay, atomic theory. What it is? I will tell you.

Atomic theory is a theory of the nature of the atom (Greek: atmos) which is the smallest pieces of matter
       Aristotle believed in the four elements: fire, water, earth and air
       Alchemists believed they could turn metal into gold

But this was not a scientific theory because it could not be proved with observation

One of the first greek philosphers who mentioned atoms was Democritus in 300 B.C. He thought that they were idivisible particles Hmm interesting.'

After Democritus, Lavoisier in the late 1700's introduced the Law of Conservatino of Mass and Definite Porportions

Next came Proust (1799) and he proved Lavoisiers' Laws by experiments.

Dalton came after in the 1800's and he stated that atoms are solid, indestructable spheres. Based on the Law of Conservation of Mass

There were still many things that werent discovered but later on in the 1850's J.J. Thomson discovered that atoms had positive and negative charges.

In 1905,  Rutherford shows that atoms have a positive, dense center with electrons and suggested that atoms are mostly empty space.

Neils Bohr (1885-1962), studied gaseous sample of atoms which were made to glow by passing through an electric current. He proposed that electrons surrounded the nucleus in specific "energy levels" or "shells."

This video below will show you a brief timeline of all the scienetists and people that are important. Yeah.

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